
extend old-age insurance to all

China will extend old-age insurance to its full population. State-owned capital will be used to augment the existing social security fund. 我国养老金将实现全国统筹。部分国有资本将用来充实社保基金。

全会提出,建立更加公平可持续(fairer and more sustainable)的社会保障制度(social security system),实施全民参保计划,实现职工基础养老金全国统筹,划转部分国有资本充实社保基金,全面实施城乡居民大病保险制度(implement the critical illness insurance system in full scale),防止群众因病致贫(prevent residents from bankruptcy through medical bills)。


养老服务设施 elderly care facility

养老院 nursing home

老年人活动中心 recreation center for the elderly

居家养老服务 home-based care service

社区养老服务 community nursing service


tuition and fees exemption

China will gradually exempt tuition and fees for secondary vocational education. Tuition and fees will also be waived for senior high school students from poor families. 中国将逐步分类推进中等职业教育免除学杂费,为家庭经济困难的高中生免除学杂费。

全会提出,提高教育质量(enhence the quality of education),推动义务教育均衡发展(promote a balanced development of compulsory education),普及高中阶段教育(make senior secondary education basically universal),实现家庭经济困难学生资助全覆盖。

此前教育部《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》指出,到2020年,基本实现教育现代化(modernization of education),基本形成学习型社会(learning-oriented society),进入人力资源强国行列(a country rich in human resources)。


贫困学生 needy students

上调学费 tuition hike

教职工薪水的增加 increase of faculty salaries

教学设施的开支 cost of facilities

公开办学成本 publicize education costs


Song of Shisanwu

A cartoon, titled "Song of Shisanwu", quickly gathered more than 5m hits in five hours after its release on video-sharing website . 近日,一首名为《十三五之歌》的卡通短片发布5小时后就迅速在视频网站优酷上获得超过500万的点击量。


Wanna know what China's gonna do? Best pay attention to the Shisanoooo, Shisanoooo, Shisanoooo...

如果你还没听过这首"神曲",你就out了。近日,一首以外国人视角来看中国"十三五规划"(the 13th Five-Year Plan)的MV《十三五之歌》(Song of Shisanwu)红遍网络。

今年10月26日至29日,中共中央十八届五中全会(the Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th Communist Party of China Central Committee)召开,"十三五"规划是此次会议讨论的核心议题。

曾经制作了《领导人是怎样炼成的》《中国共产党与你一起在路上》《跟着大大走》系列短片的复兴路上工作室(Fuxinglushang Animation Studio),于26日推出了提神醒脑涨知识的《十三五之歌》。

短片采用英文配音,几个不同肤色的卡通人物(cartoon characters of different skin colors)活跃其中。

短片对十三五规划由谁制定(who makes all the plans)、怎么制定(how the plans are made)以及怎么执行(how the plans are put into effect)等基本问题给出了解答。


十二五 the 12th Five-Year Plan (2011-15)

三农问题 three issues of agriculture, the countryside and farmers

农业现代化 agricultural modernization

惠农政策 policies that benefit the farmers

