2018屠屠考研英语长难句 一日一句(83)
83. It’s not every day that you get to witness the birth of a new social system. But General Motors’ June 1 bankruptcy, and the company’s likely reorganization under the ownership of the U.S. Treasury, does suggest the arrival of a novel relationship—at least for the United States—between the citizen and his government.
本句使用了强调句型的否定式It is not…that…。every day是所强调的内容。But后的句子又使用了do强调句子谓语的强调结构,句中表现为用does强调suggest即does suggest…。主语General Motors’ June 1 bankruptcy后面是插入语and the company’s likely reorganization under the ownership of the U.S. Treasury,对主语起补充说明的作用,宾语是the arrival of a novel relationship,破折号之间是插入语。
witness 见证
bankruptcy 破产
the U.S. Treasury 美国财政部
novel 创新的
【参考译文】 不是每天人们都可以见证一个新社会体系的诞生。但是通用6月1日宣告破产,它将在美国财政部的掌控下进行可能的重组,这一事件正是暗示了一种新关系的到来——至少是在美国——公民与政府之间的新型关系。