
作者:邱政政 来源: 时间:2015-08-17 16:00

艺术及工艺 Arts and Crafts

版画 engraving

贝雕画 shell carving picture

彩塑 painted sculpture

瓷器 porcelain; china

刺绣 embroidery

雕刻 carving

宫灯 palace lantern

国画 Chinese painting

剪纸 paper-cut

景德镇瓷 Jingdezhen porcelain

景泰蓝 cloisonné enamel

蜡染 batik

卖秸画 straw patchwork

木/石/竹刻 wood/stone/bamboo carving

木刻画 wood engraving

泥人儿 clay figure

皮影 shadow puppet

漆画 lacquer painting

漆器 lacquer ware

双面绣 two-sided embroidery

水墨画 Chinese brush drawing ; ink and wash painting

檀香扇 sandalwood fan

唐三彩 Tang tri-colored pottery

陶器 pottery ; earthenware

图章 seal

拓碑 making rubbings from inscriptions , pictures , etc . on stone tablets

拓片 rubbing

微雕 miniature engraving

象牙雕刻 ivory carving

宜兴陶 Yixing pottery

篆刻 seal cutting

古代建筑 Ancient Architecture      

塔 pagoda   

琉璃塔 glazed stupa   

舍利塔 dagoba; sarira stupa ( a pagoda for Buddhist relics )   

舍利子 sarira remains from cremation of Buddha's of saints' body   

喇叭塔 Lamaist pagoda   

楼 storied buildings   

钟楼 bell tower   

鼓楼 drum tower   

阁 pavilion   

烽火台 beacon tower   

华表 ornamental column   

牌坊 memorial archway



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