段落一 描述图画

Sentence 1(描述图画):




其中⑤处可以使用的动词主要以与事物直接相关的动词为主,如lamp与glow(2001),flower与bloom(2003),goalkeeper与guard(2007)等;但如果事物较为抽象或难于有具体动作,如a traditional Chinese costume(2002),the name of Beckham(2006)等,则可使用如show,imply,indicate等表示意味的动词来拓展内容。

以2009年为例,我们首先从2009年图画中找出如下词汇:①net;②lie;③in the picture;④complex;⑤connect computers;⑥from all directions;⑦Internet


In the picture lies a net, a remarkably complex one, connecting computers from all directions.


As is vividly depicted in the picture, in the picture lies a net, a remarkably complex one, connecting computers from all directions, a sight that brings about insights into the topic of Internet among people, especially those who are confronted with it.

句中标注下划线的内容皆为辅助内容,均可以类似内容替换。如句首可替换为As we can see from the picture, 句尾可替换为a sight that gives thoughts to the topic of Internet among people, especially those who are concerned about it等。

如上设计出的句式已然可以满足考研写作的苛刻要求,然而我们还可以在此基础上进一步拓展该句式,拓展方式则是从图画中找出另一个描述事物的名词,再以相同方式写作另一部分,进而将两部分内容组合起来。由此我们设计如下结构:in correspondence to/contrast to/accordance with the ① scene that ④ ③ ②,⑤ ⑥。

其中①处为修饰场景的形容词,主要以surprising、interesting、touching、confusing、thought-provoking等词为主;其中②-⑥的选词与上一部分的方式一致,而写作句式的结构也一致,从而词汇范围有重合,也或多或少省去了些选词上的困扰。如2009年我们选出的词分别为②a person;③sit;④against every computer in the net;⑤surf the Internet;⑥alone。

参考例句:As is vividly depicted in the picture, in the picture lies a net, a remarkably complex one, connecting computers from all directions, in correspondence to the interesting scene that against every computer in the net sits a person, surfing the Internet alone, a sight that brings about insights into the topic of internet among people, especially those who are confronted with it.

Sentence 2(概括寓意):

首段在描述图画之外的句子则只需对于图画的寓意(话题)做简要概括即可,因而在句式上也并没有太多要求,而概括图画的寓意的内容用词主要如下:phenomenon、problem、trend、fashion、issue、a matter of fact、a matter of concern等。而辅助内容则如下:

The picture aims at revealing a ① phenomenon: ②.

The notion conveyed in the picture is that ② is a ① phenomenon.


参考例句:The picture aims at revealing a common and far-reaching issue: how Internet may change people's lives.