黑暗版阅读真题解析1998Text 1
imagination /i7mAdVi5neiFEn/ (想象;想象力)←imagin(e)想象+tion名词后缀。Imagination is more important than knowledge.想象力比知识更重要。Every great advance in science has issued from a new audacity of imagination.科学的每一个重大进展都得力于大胆的想象力。imagination - ①the highest kite one can fly ②a poor substitute for experience 想象--①一个人能放得最高的风筝 ②经验的劣质替代品。
symbol /5simbEl/ (符号;象征)即sym+bol,sym-共同,bol看作ball,"共同喜欢球类运动"→这是现代人的"象征"。Light is the symbol of truth.光是真理的象征。
cement /si5ment/ (v.胶合;巩固n.水泥;胶接剂)。A sweet and innocent compliance is the cement of love.温柔天真的依从是爱情的粘合剂。
deprive /di5praiv/ (v.剥夺)即de+priv+e,de-(=away),priv词根"个人的"(如private→priv+ate→私人的),"使某物离开个人"→剥夺。Poverty often deprives a man of all spirit and virtue; it is hard for an empty bag to stand upright.贫穷常使人丧失全部精神与美德,空袋子是难以直立的。
persist /pE(:)5sist/ (v.坚持,持续)即per+sist,per-"完全",sist词根"站立",于是"自始至终都站着"→坚持。参consistently(始终如一地),1999年Passage 5。To persist in efforts without losing the aim will finally result in success.不失目标地坚持努力终将导致成功。Any man can make mistakes, but only an idiot persists in his error.任何人都可能犯错误,但只有愚蠢的人才坚持错误。
complex /5kCmpleks/ (复杂的;综合的;联合体)即com+plex,com-"一起",plex词根"重叠","重叠在一起的"→复杂的。参perplex(使困惑,使复杂化)←per完全+plex,2003年Text 2。Everything is simpler than you think and at the same time more complex than you imagine.凡事都比你思考的简单,同时比你想象的复杂。
go-ahead n.批准,允许。
wrong-headed 执迷不悟的。
environmental /in7vaiErEn5mentl/ (周围的,环境的)←environment环境+al形容词后缀。What is the thing called health? Simply a state in which the individual happens transiently to be perfectly adapted to his environment. Obviously, such states cannot be common, for the environment is in constant flux.称为健康的东西是什么?不过是一种状态,处于这种状态的人刚好一时对环境完全适应。这种状态显然不可能常见,因为环境是在不断改变的。environment - everything that isn't me 环境--除我以外的一切。
proper /5prCpE/ (适当的;合乎体统的;固有的)。Proper words in proper places make the true definition of style.风度的准确定义就是在适当的场合说适当的话。A fool, indeed, has great need of a title; it teaches men to call him count or duke, and thus forget his proper name of fool.傻瓜的确非常需要头衔,那使人们称他为伯爵或公爵,从而忘掉他固有的名字--傻瓜。
resolve /ri5zClv/ (v.n.决心;解决;决议)←re+solve解决。同根词:dissolve(v.溶解;解散)←dis+solve。The reason why a great man is great is that he resolves to be a great man.伟人之所以伟大,是因为他立志要成为伟人。Resolve to perform what you ought; perform without fail what you resolve.该做的事要下决心去做,决定去做的事要务必去做。Do not, for one repulse, forgo the purpose that you resolved to effort.不要只因一次挫败就放弃原来决心达到的目标。
conflict /5kCnflikt/ (v.n.冲突)即con+flict,con-一起,flict词根"打","打在一起"→冲突。A marriage without conflicts is almost as inconceivable as a nation without crisis.没有冲突的婚姻几乎与没有危机的国家一样难以想象。In the long term we can hope that religion will change the nature of man and reduce conflict. But history is not encouraging in this respect. The bloodiest wars in history have been religious wars. 长期以来我们希望宗教能改变人的天性并减少冲突。但历史却令人失望。历史上最血腥的战争都是宗教战争。
hydroelectric /5haidrEi5lektrik/ (水电的)即hydro+electric,hydro词根"水的",electric单词"电的"。另记:hydrogen(氢)←hydro+gen,这是化学家创造的英文单词,因为氢气燃烧的唯一产物是水,-gen后缀意为"致......的物质"。
irrigation /7iri5^eiFEn/ (灌溉;水利)与irritation(激怒;刺激物)一字母之差,联想记忆:"溉"的声母为g,故灌溉为irriGation,而irriTAtion为激怒"他"。
at the mercy of 受......支配;stop just short of 几乎要......;far from guaranteed 根本没有保障。