- 2007年阅读理解精读100篇-模拟自测题Text2
Text2 Charles Reznikoff (1894-1976) worked relentlessly, never leaving New York but for a brief stay in Hollywood, of all places. He was admired by ...
2007-05-28 22:38 - 2007年阅读理解精读100篇-模拟自测题Text1
Text1 The sun is not growing weaker, yet its light appears to be dimming. Between 1960 and 1990, some scientists believe, the amount of solar radiat...
2007-05-25 23:57 - 07年考研英语阅读理解精读100篇unit96
Unit 96 The discovery of planets around distant stars has become like space-shuttle launches-newsworthy but just barely. With some 50 extrasolar pla...
2007-05-24 18:39 - 07年考研英语阅读理解精读100篇unit95
Unit 95 By modern standards, the hostile summit of Mount Llullaillaco, in the Argentine Andes, is no place fro kids. The ancient Inca saw things dif...
2007-05-22 18:59 - 07年考研英语阅读理解精读100篇unit94
Unit 94 I had two routine checkups last week, and both the eye doctor and the dentist asked me to update my health history for their records. Their ...
2007-05-18 23:14 - 07年考研英语阅读理解精读100篇unit93
Unit 93 Depending on whom you ask, the experiment announced at a Texas medical conference last week was a potential breakthrough for infertile women, ...
2006-11-08 10:24 - 07年考研英语阅读理解精读100篇unit92
Unit 92 A widely heralded but still experimental cancer-fighting compound may be used someday to prevent two other major killers of Americans: heart d...
2006-11-08 10:22 - 07年考研英语阅读理解精读100篇unit91
Unit 91 IF YOU'RE CONFUSED BY ALL the news about the health effects of eating fish, you're not alone. On one hand, the omega-3 fatty acids in ...
2006-10-18 14:12 - 07年考研英语阅读理解精读100篇unit90
Unit 90 Watching a child struggle to breathe during an asthma attack is frightening for any parent. So it is only natural that most moms and dads will...
2006-10-18 14:12 - 07年考研英语阅读理解精读100篇unit89
Unit 89 Sleep is a funny thing. We're taught that we should get seven or eight hours a night, but a lot of us get by just fine on less, and some o...
2006-10-12 14:50 - 07年考研英语阅读理解精读100篇unit87
Unit 87 The countdown goes something like this: 3) IRS auditor, 2) ex-husband's new 20-year-old girlfriend, 1) dentist. The top three people we mo...
2006-10-10 20:24 - 07年考研英语阅读理解精读100篇unit86
Unit 86 It was a big week for Alzheimer's disease, and not just because PBS aired The Forgetting, a first-rate documentary about Alzheimer's w...
2006-10-10 20:23 - 07年考研英语阅读理解精读100篇unit85
Unit 85 Shortages of flu vaccine are nothing new in America, but this year's is a whopper. Until last week, it appeared that 100 million Americans...
2006-10-07 23:08 - 07年考研英语阅读理解精读100篇unit84
Unit 84 At 18, Ashanthi DeSilva of suburban Cleveland is a living symbol of one of the great intellectual achievements of the 20th century. Born with ...
2006-10-07 23:08 - 07年考研英语阅读理解精读100篇unit83
Unit 83 As long as her parents can remember, 13-year-old Katie Hart has been talking about going to college. Her mother, Tally, a financial-aid office...
2006-09-30 16:27 - 07年考研英语阅读理解精读100篇unit82
Unit 82 When it comes to schooling, the Herrera boys are no match for the Herrera girls. Last week, four years after she arrived from Honduras, Martha...
2006-09-30 16:26 - 07年考研英语阅读理解精读100篇unit81
Unit 81 When I applied under Early Decision to the University of Pennsylvania four years ago, I was motivated by two powerful emotions: ambition and f...
2006-09-28 09:28 - 07年考研英语阅读理解精读100篇unit80
Unit 80 Competition for admission to the country's top private schools has always been tough, but this year Elisabeth Krents realized it had reach...
2006-09-28 09:27 - 07年考研英语阅读理解精读100篇unit79
Unit 79 Largely for "spiritual reasons," Nancy Manos started home-schooling her children five years ago and has studiously avoided public schools ever...
2006-09-27 19:06 - 07年考研英语阅读理解精读100篇unit78
Unit 78 There was a time when big-league university presidents really mattered. The New York Times covered their every move. Presidents, the real ones...
2006-09-27 19:04