21. It is indicated in Paragraphs 1 and 2 that
A. arts criticism has disappeared from big-city newspapers.
B. English-language newspapers used to carry more arts reviews.
C. high-quality newspapers retain a large body of readers.
D. young readers doubt the suitability of criticism on dailies.
22. Newspaper reviews in England before World War 2 were characterized by
A free themes.
B casual style.
C elaborate layout.
D radical viewpoints.
23. Which of the following would shaw and Newman most probably agree on?
A It is writers' duty to fulfill journalistic goals.
B It is contemptible for writers to be journalists.
C Writers are likely to be tempted into journalism.
D Not all writers are capable of journalistic writing.
24. What can be learned about Cardus according to the last two paragraphs?
A His music criticism may not appeal to readers today.
B His reputation as a music critic has long been in dispute.
C His style caters largely to modern specialists.
D His writings fail to follow the amateur tradition.
25. What would be the best title for the text?
A Newspapers of the Good Old Days
B The Lost Horizon in Newspapers
C Mournful Decline of Journalism
D Prominent Critics in Memory
21. D
观点题:这道题的摇摆项是C和D,即[C] high-quality newspapers retain a large body of readers.
[D] young readers doubt the suitability of criticism on dailies.题干问一二段的含义是什么。文章中对应的逻辑关联词是under the age of forty, marvel at the fact, suitable, dailies,即young readers对应的逻辑关联词为under the age of forty,marvel对应的逻辑关联词为doubt,suitable对应的逻辑关联词为suitability。
22. B
观点题:这道题的摇摆项为A和B,即[A] free themes [B] casual style。文章中对应的逻辑关联词为ornament(装饰品),即ornament对应casual(随意的,随便的,马虎的)。本题考得是一词多义能力。
23. B
观点题:非常简单,没有摇摆项,即[B] It is contemptible for writers to be journalists.。文章中对应的逻辑关联词是contempt,即contempt对应contemptible。
24. A
信息题:这道题的摇摆项为A和D,即[A] His music criticism may not appeal to readers today. [D] His writings fail to follow the amateur tradition.。文章中相对应的逻辑关联词是forgetten, unknown save, revival remote,即对应may not appeal to(肯能不吸引今天的读者)。本题同样考一词多义。
25. D
观点题:这道题的摇摆项为B和D,即[B] The Lost Horizon in Newspapers(在报纸中消失在视野中<的一个事件>) [D] Prominent Critics in Memory(卓越的评论家在记忆中或在过去)
26. C
观点题:这道题的摇摆项是C和D,即[C] the possible restriction on their granting [D] the controversy over authorization。题干Business-method patents最近引起关注的原因。选项C在文章中对应逻辑关联词是ready to scale back on,即ready对应possible,restriction对应scale back on。选项D对应的逻辑关联词为controversial, authorized, granted,即controversial对应controversy,authorized, granted对应authorization。
27. D
观点题:非常简单,没有摇摆项,即[D] It may change the legal practices in the U.S。文章中对应逻辑关联词为wether it should “reconsider”(是否重新再考虑)。
28. C
推理词义题:这道题的摇摆项是C和D,即[C]change of attitude。题干about-face最可能的意思。文章中对应逻辑关联词是curb, approving,即已经批准,现在有打算限制。
29. D
观点题:高难度题,但只能选D,没有摇摆项,即 [D] increase the incidence of risks。文章对应逻辑关联词是hedging risk(限制风险)。法律是为了限制风险,那这种专利模式当然是增加风险。
30. A
文章主题题:这道题的摇摆项为A和C,即[A]A looming threat to business-method patents [C]A legal case regarding business-method patents。A是隐隐逼近的一种威胁,C是关于这种专利模式一个法律案件。整篇文章都在controversy这个专利模式,最后一段指出将会尾随其 后最高法院的一系列判决,即限制专利保护的范围。
31. B
观点题:非常简单,没有摇摆项,即[B] discuss influentials’ function in spreading ideas。与文章中对应的关联词为acting, influentials, 即acting(起作用)对应function。
32. D
信息题:这道题的摇摆项为B和C,即[B] has helped explain certain prevalent trends [D] requires solid(坚实的或确凿的) evidence for its validity。题干作者暗示两步流理论。文章中对应逻辑关联词为but it doesn't explain,即第一段最后提出那本书并没有解释idea实际上是怎么传播的。untested theory对应solid evidence。
33. A
观点题:非常简单,没有摇摆项,即[A] the power of influence goes with social interactions。文章中的对应词汇是each person, in turn influence。
34. C
推理代词题:高难度题,每一个选项都可能是摇摆项,即[A]stay outside the network of social influence [B]have little contact with the source of influence [C]are influenced and then influence others [D] are influenced by the initial influential。这道题可以算是新题型,很像翻译题的考试风格。
35. C
观点题:比较简单,没有摇摆项,即{C}The readiness to be influenced。文章中相对应的逻辑关联词是easy,即考readiness(容易)一词多义。
36. A
信息题:比较简单,没有摇摆项,即[A]follow unfavorable asset evaluation rules。文中相对应的逻辑关联词是not fair,即既然银行家们认为是不公平的,那么对他们自身肯定是不利的。
37. A
信息题: 这道题的摇摆项为A和D,[A]the diminishing role of management [D]the weakening of its independence。文章中对应单词为more freedom。
38. D
观点题:没有摇摆项,其他选项都是荒谬选项。[D]take gradual measures in reform
39. B
观点题:高难度题,这道题的摇摆项是A和B,即[A]misinterpreted market price indicators [B]exaggerated the real value of their assets。文章中对应的逻辑关联词overvalued, overstate,即过去高估资产,今天市场高估损失
40. D
作者态度题:这道题的摇摆项为C和D,即[C]objectiveness(客观) [D]sympathy。But by giving in to critics now they are inviting pressure to make more concessions.
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