2009年研究生考研真题和答案汇总>>> 仅供参考!
Part B52. 图画是一张蜘蛛网上有很多人上网。图画中的中文提示词为:互联网的"远与近"
In your essay, you should
1) describe the drawing briefly,
2) explain its intended meaning, and then
3) give your comments.
You should write neatly on Answer Sheet 2. (20 points)
As is unfolded in the picture above, we can see that many people,old and young, men and women, in front of a computer and using the internet. The caption in the drawing reads: "the internet:near or far ".
The purpose of the drawing is to show us that the internet has it advantages and disadvantages as a commnication tool. On the one hand, many people hold a view that internet makes us close than ever before. With the development of science and technology, computers and internet are playing an increasingly important role in our daily lives. We can achieve an immediate commuication via E-mail, QQ, MSN or ICQ. Accoriding to a recent survey conducted by Li Ming, a sociologist in Peiking University, approximately 400,000,000 people use internet in China in 2008. On the other hand, others aruge that internet makes relationship of people weak. We can often read many stories about children spending too much time on online games. Some parents even complain that they have fewer and fewer time chatting with their children.
这幅图片的目的是向我们表明作为沟通工具的互联网有其优缺点。一方面,很多人认为互联网让我们比以往更亲密。随着科学和技术的发展,计算机和互 联网在我们的日常生活中正起到了越来越重要的作用。我们能用电邮,QQ,MSN,或者ICQ等软件实现实时沟通。(根据最近北京大学社会学家李明做的最近 调查表明,2008年中国大约有4亿人用互联网。)另一方面,其他人认为互联网让人们关系变得弱化了。我们经常读到一些故事说小孩子花了太多时间在玩网上 游戏。一些家长甚至在抱怨他们和孩子谈话的时间越来越少了。
How to use modern communicating tools such as internet properly has becomes a hot issue among many people in recent years. For one thing, we should realize that internet is a big development of science and techonology and we should make full use of it. For another, we need to spend much time to commnicate with each other face to face. Only in this way can we live in a more harmonious soceity. (249 words)
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