
作者: 来源:新东方在线 时间:2014-07-06 07:30




As is vividly betrayed in the drawing above, a newly-married couple are hugging each other happily and their parents are holding a huge amount of debt hardly. In addition, there is one sentence "Establish their own happiness on the basis of parents(改为parents',此处应用名词所有格形式) hardship", which lighlights(拼写错误,改为highlights)that nowadays many young penple(拼写错误,改为people) are seeking for their own happiness despite their parents' feeling. So what causes this phenomenon? From my point of view, there are mainly two reasons. First, with the promotion of "Family planning(family planning两个单词若要大写,均大写;若不大写,都不大写)", many families have one child only(改为only have one child), which makes the child so spoilt that they are used to (加having,be used to doing sth.表示“习惯于做某事”)the high quality life. Second, many children has(改为have,主语为children,谓语动词用原形) the psychology of comparison(“攀比心理”改为comparing mentality较为合适), which makes them have the wish to hold a luxurious wedding ceremony.In order to solve this problem, children should develop the virtue of thrifty. As marriage is a lifetime matter, it will not be changed because of their wedding ceremony is luxurious or not.(汉语式英语,可改为A marriage is a lifetime matter, and it won’t be changed by luxurious wedding ceremony.) So they should refuse luxurious wedding ceremony. Futhermore(拼写错误,改为Furthermore), parents should not spoil their children by satisfy their all demands(改为all their demands). I think under the joint effort of parents and children, the ethos of keeping up with the joneses(改为peer comparison) will be decreased significantly







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