为了迎接2009考研,沪江考研特别联手海天教育推出"挑战2009考研" 征文活动。本次活动我们准备了丰厚的大奖。那么,请整理整理您的思绪,用文字在这里表达,用文字来呐喊2009年考研成功的决心!为了让大家共同来学习如何写考研作文,我们特别摘选了大赛的参赛作文和老师点评,希望让更多的同学参与到学习中来。同时提醒大家本次大赛还没有结束,请大家快来参加哦^_^
Study the following bar chart carefully and write an essay in which you should
1) describe the bar chart,
2) state the meaning and
3) put forward your position.
You should write about 160-200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.
What kind of job will be on the list of a grad’s job-seeking standards? According to latest statistics, we can apprehend what factors are deciding college students’ decisions about their professions and to what extend.
Stability takes up 96 percent of importance when one selects a job. It is intolerable to enjoy the ecstasy of employment today but taste the torture of dismissal tomorrow. Apparently, grads get this.
Then, salary accounts for 77 percent. High salary does the trick when it comes to stimulating or motivating grads to strive harder.
The chance of self-development makes up 65 percent. It is expected that an ideal job should give much scope to tap one’s potential.
Interest is rated as 50 percent. Interesting work can arouse one’s inner desire for great devotion.
Last, a sense of achievement occupies 26 percent. Success provokes one’s passion for work.
Different people have different standards. Personally, I regard stability of a job as most crucial. An unstable is like great winds which will blow me hither and thither. In addition, we can’t upgrade the value of salary. High salary will be reduced to nothing when it means sacrifice of safety, loyalty or morality. We should strike a balance between all the factors when choosing a job.
>" src="http://i1.w.hjfile.cn/doc/200811/32502.gif" border=0 mce_src="http://i1.w.hjfile.cn/doc/200811/32502.gif">>" src="http://i1.w.hjfile.cn/doc/200811/26508.gif" border=0 mce_src="http://i1.w.hjfile.cn/doc/200811/26508.gif">>" src="http://i1.w.hjfile.cn/doc/200811/52955.gif" border=0 mce_src="http://i1.w.hjfile.cn/doc/200811/52955.gif">>" src="http://i1.w.hjfile.cn/doc/200811/71602.gif" border=0 mce_src="http://i1.w.hjfile.cn/doc/200811/71602.gif">>" src="http://i1.w.hjfile.cn/doc/200811/11087.gif" border=0 mce_src="http://i1.w.hjfile.cn/doc/200811/11087.gif">