为了迎接2009考研,沪江考研特别联手海天教育推出"挑战2009考研" 征文活动。本次活动我们准备了丰厚的大奖。那么,请整理整理您的思绪,用文字在这里表达,用文字来呐喊2009年考研成功的决心!为了让大家共同来学习如何写考研作文,我们特别摘选了大赛的参赛作文和老师点评,希望让更多的同学参与到学习中来。同时提醒大家本次大赛还没有结束,请大家快来参加哦^_^
Study the following bar chart carefully and write an essay in which you should
1) describe the bar chart,
2) state the meaning and
3) put forward your position.
You should write about 160-200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.
A first glance at the bar chart tells us the figures of vocational standard of the college students. We can easily realize that most people put great emphasize on steady environment and high salary when hunting a job while few of them focus on make a great career.
As far as I am concerned, the main reason for this phenomenon is Chinese's traditional thoughts. Compared to the changeable life with full of challenge, people still prefer steadiness. People still believe that they work just to make a living which cause "Iron rice bowl" thoughts still exist at present. Meanwhile, people's zeal for material life pushes them always put money first. In order to earn more money, they always hide their own interests and ideal.
In my personal opinion, nothing is more important than your own interests when you hunting your job. If you never love your career, how could you make your step further? Even though you live a luxury life by your boring work, would you really be happy about that? I would like to be a happy common people rather than a pained millionaire. And I think if you really love your job, you'll do everything with passion which makes you easily succeed.
>" src="http://i1.w.hjfile.cn/doc/200811/32502.gif" border=0 mce_src="http://i1.w.hjfile.cn/doc/200811/32502.gif">>" src="http://i1.w.hjfile.cn/doc/200811/26508.gif" border=0 mce_src="http://i1.w.hjfile.cn/doc/200811/26508.gif">>" src="http://i1.w.hjfile.cn/doc/200811/52955.gif" border=0 mce_src="http://i1.w.hjfile.cn/doc/200811/52955.gif">>" src="http://i1.w.hjfile.cn/doc/200811/71602.gif" border=0 mce_src="http://i1.w.hjfile.cn/doc/200811/71602.gif">>" src="http://i1.w.hjfile.cn/doc/200811/11087.gif" border=0 mce_src="http://i1.w.hjfile.cn/doc/200811/11087.gif">