It is a tough time for graduates to get an ideal job while the global economies are experiencing turmoil or even the recession. The situation is so bad that every过于绝对,改为 a lot ofemployeeswillare face facingthelaying offlay-off. So stability becomes the uppermost factor of an ideal job for the students. As is shown in the picture, there are 96% of the informants reached a consensus, making stabilization far exceedingexceed (make sth do sth) other factors. This tremendous recession not only causes people losingto losetheir jobs but also cutsdown the pays paymentsof the ones who are still in employment. Getting a high paypayment seemssodifficult that 77% of students chose it as a standard of ideal. And approximateapproximately two thirds of them prefer development while a half of them also considerateconsider their own interests. But it is ironic that only 26% of them want to make some achievement, which means fewer people care about their contribution to their companies.
The result ofthe survey gives good expression to that students really worry about their future in recent recession and their real purpose of woking is making big money. They are self-regard that every aspect concerning their own interests is preferred. There is nothing to make a fuss about it. But, if they fail to make achievements, prove their values, how could their bossmanagerpromote them and give them a high salary. For These are all by-products of hard working and contributions. There is no such thing as free lunch.
As a consequence, the graduates should adjust themselves to the challenges by arming emselves with knowledge and skills as well as determination of sacrifice.