
作者: 来源:沪江考研 时间:2011-10-25 13:16


①FROM Seattle to Sydney, protesters have taken to the streets. Whether they are inspired by the Occupy Wall Street movement in New York or by the indignados in Madrid, they burn with dissatisfaction about the state of the economy, about the unfair way that the poor are paying for the sins of rich bankers, and in some cases about capitalism itself.

短语词汇:take to the street  走上街头(游行、抗议)burn with 有(强烈的情绪或要求)


在whether or这个从句中,主语是they,即前一句中的protesters,谓语是be inspired,后面的the Occupy Wall Street movement in New York or by the indignados in Madrid是宾语。

后半句they burn with dissatisfaction about the state of the economy是英语句子中的五种基本结构之一——主谓宾宾补结构。主语依旧是they,谓语是burn,宾语是dissatisfaction,后面的两个about所带的内容都是补语的成分,是对dissatisfaction内容的进一步补充。其中the unfair way that the poor are paying for the sins of rich bankers是同位语从句,同位语从句一般用that,whether等词引导,常放在fact、news、idea、truth、hope、problem、information等名词后面,说明该名词的具体内容。换言之,同位语从句和所修饰的名词在内容上为同一关系。其中unfair way就是the poor are paying for the sins of rich bankers。


While Washington debates how to create jobs and cut the budget deficit, major corporations — read major campaign contributors — are pushing Congress for an enormous tax cut on corporate profits.

短语词汇:budget deficit  财政预算赤字  tax cut  减税

这是while引导的一个时间状语从句,while从句的侧重点是事情正在发生的状态,也就是当while事件正在发生的时候,另外一件事进展如何。Washington其实不是指华盛顿这个地点,它是以首都名字来指代政府,也就是美国白宫,这种用法在欧美报纸政治报道中用得比较多。major corporations — read major campaign contributors,这里破折号后面是一个插入语成分,是对前面短语major corporations的解释说明。


③Sophisticated as we may be, there’s no getting away from our more primitive survival technique of hoarding food to see us through lean times.

短语词汇:get away from  摆脱,逃离,避免  hoard food  储存食物  lean times  拮据时期,困难时期

Sophisticated as we may be这是一个由as引导的倒装成分,as表示“虽然”,表语sophisticated置于句首,动名词词组getting away from作表语,置于there is后面。




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