If it decides in favour, the whole industry will feel the impact, for it will affect not just European airlines but all those that fly into and out of the EU.

以连词for为切入点,得到两个并列结构,分别为If it decides in favour, the whole industry will feel the impact和it will affect not just European airlines but all those that fly into and out of the EU。前一分句中,if引导从句If it decides in favour作条件状语,the whole industry will feel the impact是主句。后一分句中,谓语affect的宾语部分使用了not just…but…结构,句末的定语从句that fly into and out of the EU修饰先行词those。

in favor 同意

Airline 航线


The business director concentrates on planning and practicality, whether it’s deciding how to change a company’s business strategy or ensuring that everyone attending a meeting can see the overhead projector.

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