
A further inference was drawn by Pascal,who reasoned that if this “sea of air” existed, its pressure at the bottom(i.e. sea level) would be greater than its pressure further up, and thattherefore the height of mercury column would decrease in proportion to theheight above sea-level.



There is also the danger of more people knowing things we would like to keep private. The more information is stored in computer,the greater the possibility of it being misused or accessed by the wrong people.


【解析】英语被动句式,如“be used”,“are processed”,“be affected”,“is required”,“are rarely convicted”,大都汉译成了主动式,如“用”、“转账”、“取代”、“受到影响”、“需要”、“很难定罪”;个别的译成了“被”字句也是可接受的,如“being misused or accessed”“被无关的人盗用或攫取”;根据语境汉译时对英语句式进行了调整,如“There is also the danger ofmore people knowing things we would like to keep private ”“人们希望秘而不宣的隐私也将遇到被较多的人探测出来的危险”。