It's much easier to say “Great idea!” when a terrific solution has been put forward by someone on your team, than it is to take the time to explain why an employee’s favorite brainchild isn’t going anywhere except the circular file.


以逗号为切入点,得到一个比较结构It’s much easier to say “Great idea!”…than…。it是形式主语,前半部分的真正主语由不定式结构to say “Great idea!”…充当,这里包含一个when引导的时间状语从句when a terrific solution has been put forward by someone on your team,使用了被动语态的现在完成时。后半部分真正主语为to take the time to explain…,explain后的宾语是why引导的宾语从句 why an employee’s favorite brainchild isn’t going anywhere except the circular file。

terrific 极佳的,极好的---->区分terrible糟糕的

put forward 提出

take time to do sth. 花时间做某事

brainchild 独创的观念;点子

circular file 比喻表达=waste basket废纸篓


If it decides in favour, the whole industry will feel the impact, for it will affect not just European airlines but all those that fly into and out of the EU.

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