67. It can be plugged into a hand-held device (such as a mobile phone, music player or portable games console) to power or recharge it, and has sufficient capacity to provide around 30 hours of talk-time on a mobile phone, or 60~80 hours of playback time for an iPod music player. 


去掉括号内的举例补充说明,以and为切入点,得到It can be plugged into a hand held device to power or recharge it, and has sufficient capacity to provide…, and并列了两个谓语,前一谓语使用了被动语态can be plugged,后一谓语是has,后面的宾语补足语to provide后的宾语由or并列,分别为around 30 hours of talk-time on a mobile phone和60~80 hours of playback time for an iPod music player。


plug…into… 将…插入…

device 设备;装置

portable 便携式,可搬动的---->portable computer笔记本电脑

power v. 提供能源

have sufficient capacity to do sth. 有足够的能力做….

【参考译文】 它可以放入手持设备(比如手机、音乐播放器或便携式游戏机)给其提供能源或充电,足以供一部手机通话30小时,或者一台iPod音乐播放器播放60到80小时。