You share a lot with your coworkers over time: Projects. Lunches, Office space. Cocktails. Family photos.Birthday cake. But, even after many years of working together, should you share the details of your salary and compensation package?


  No, says compensation expert DickDauphinais of Strategic Compensation Partners. "We all know employees talk, and things can never remain totally confidential," he says. "Butan out right exchange of salary details probably isn't the best idea."

  “Strategic Compensation Partners ”公司的福利专家Dick Dauphinais的回答是,不应该。他说:“我们都知道员工在聊天的时候,任何事情都不会永远是秘密。但是,讨论工资细节可能不是个好主意。”

  Keep It Secret, Keep It Safe


  When companies have different employees on the same job and one of them is paid differently, many unfairness issues surface. "It can happen in any 'open shop' thatdifferentiates pay for any reason (seniority, performance, etc。)," says Dauphinais. You could run the risk of alienating valued colleagues ifthey learn you earn more for what they perceive to be the same job.


  Democracy Doesn't Always Work at Work


  There are organizations that openly share compensation information around the office. However, warns Dauphinais, "Unless all similar jobs pay the same rate, I would adviset hat open salary concepts don't work well."


  The confidential nature of your salary, in fact, can be a greater benefit to you. "It creates an opportunity for a manager to have a confidential discussion with employees as to why they are being paid what they are -- and how the ycan work toward making more money," he says. "Each employee can then move forward with confidence that they have 'bonded' with their supervisor on their individual issues -- good and bad -- without involving others in the process."


  Don't Let Under-Compensation Undermine You


  If you learn that someone who holds a similar position earns a bigger paycheck, don't panic. First, do somedue diligence to determine if you are being underpaid in general. Usethe Yahoo! HotJobs salary calculator, and also reach out to your out-of-office network to find out how people at other companies are being compensated.


  Next, says Dauphinais, "I would go tomy boss and ask the reasons why." Open a rational dialogue to understand what skills or experience you'll need to improve your performance -- and earn more recognition and financial rewards.


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