70天突破考研英语词汇 Day 24
jealous a.
They are jealous of his achievement and promotion.
[猜一猜] A. 高兴的 B. 满意的 C. 信心十足的 D. 妒忌的
[翻译] 他们嫉妒他的成就和提升。
[词义扩展] 猜疑的,警惕的
We should be jealous of embezzling funds of corrupt officials. 我们要警惕贪污分子挪用公款。
[近义词] envious:嫉妒的,羡慕的
jealousy n.
He showed great jealousy of their success.
[猜一猜] A. 高兴 B. 妒忌 C. 满意 D. 赞扬
[翻译] 他很嫉妒人家的成功。
[词义扩展] ① 猜忌
I'am tired of all these jealousies and quarrels. 我腻烦了这些猜忌和争吵。
② 提防
More jealousy should be paid to the man beside you, as he looks like a stealer. 应多提防一下你身边的那个人,他看起来像个小偷。
[近义词] envy:羡慕,嫉妒
Italian a.
He is very found of Italian writing.
[猜一猜] A. 西班牙的 B. 法国的 C. 意大利的 D. 美国的
[翻译] 他喜欢意大利字体。
[词义扩展] n. 意大利人,意大利语
Italian and Chinese don't belong to the same language system. 意大利语和汉语属于不同的语系。
item n.
There are fifteen items on her contract.
[猜一猜] A. 错误 B. 条款 C. 疑点 D. 要求
[翻译] 在她的合同上有15个条款。
irregular a.
The trains in those days were irregular, so we had no idea when we should wait at the station.
[猜一猜] A. 破烂的 B. 很慢的 C. 无规律的 D. 不先进的
[翻译] 那些日子火车很不规则,我们不知道应该在什么时间到车站等车。
[大头巧计] ir + regular → 表否定的前缀 + 规则的 → 不规则的
irregularity n.
The irregularity of the tree makes it seem ore beautiful.
[猜一猜] A. 盘结 B. 不规则 C. 摧毁 D. 树枝
[翻译] 这棵不对衬的树看起来很漂亮。
[大头巧计] ir + regular + ity → 表否定的前缀 + 规则的 + 名词词尾 → 不规则
involve v.
It is certainty that the young man's heedless remarks will involve him in a law suit.
[猜一猜] A. 打击 B. 浪费 C. 遗弃 D. 卷入
[翻译] 可以肯定地说,这个小伙子不检点的话语会使自己牵连到一桩法律案件去。
[大头巧计] in + volve - into + to roll - 卷入其中
[词义扩展] 包含,含有,涉及
This task involves collecting materials, organizing them and delivering them to the factory. 这次任务包括收集资料、组织资料,并把他们送给工厂。
fracture n.
The huge stone has some fracture on the surface.
[猜一猜] A. 裂痕 B. 断层 C. 斑点 D. 碎片
[翻译] 那块巨石表面有裂痕。
[词义扩展] n. 骨折
Suffering fracture, he is lying on the bed in hospital now. 他因为骨折而躺在医院里。
v. ① (使)断裂,(使)折断
He fractured his leg during the World War II. 他在二战中折断了腿。
defeat v.
He was defeated in the Chess competition because of his carelessness.
[猜一猜] A. 领先 B. 落后 C. 战胜 D. 灰心
[翻译] 因为粗心,他输了象棋比赛。
[词义扩展] n. ① 战胜,挫败
② 失败
Their national volleyball team has never suffered a defeat. 他们国家排球队从没有输过。
decide v.
Inspiring by his words, she decides to work hard to catch up with her classmates.
[猜一猜] A. 下决心 B. 解决 C. 断定 D. 判定
[翻译] 受他的话的激励,她下定决心努力学习,赶上其他同学。
[词义扩展] 解决,裁决
The judge will decide which part shall be fined tomorrow. 法官将于明天裁决哪方将会受罚。
[近义词] judge 审理,断定;determine 决定,决心
decided a.
He is quite decided that unless you apologize to him first, he won't forgive you so easily.
[猜一猜] A. 明显的 B. 愤怒的 C. 坚决的 D. 明确的
[翻译] 他坚决认为,除非你先向他道歉,否则他绝对不会轻易的原谅你。
[分析] decid(e) + ed 决心,下决心的 + 过去分词形式 → 决定了的,坚决的
[词义扩展] 明显的,明确的
There is a decided difference between British and Chinese way of greeting. 英国人和中国人打招呼的方式有很明显的区别。
[近义词] clear 清楚的,清晰的;definite 明确的,清楚的
capital n.
The capital of a country may not be the most prosperous city.
[猜一猜] A. 地方 B. 区域 C. 首都 D. 领土
[翻译] 一个国家的首都不一定是最繁荣的城市。
[大头巧计] cap(头) + ital 名词词尾 = 一个国家最重要的部分即首都
[词义扩展] n. 大写字母 资本,资金
Operating a company needs a good deal of capital. 经营一家公司需要大量的资金。
a. 首位的,最重要的,基本的
The capital letter of “China” is “c”. “China”的第一个字母是“C”。
capitalism n.
Market economy dose not only belong to the capitalism.
[猜一猜] A. 资本家 B. 资金 C. 资本主义 D. 资产阶级
[翻译] 市场经济不是资本主义特有的。
[大头巧计] capital(资金) + ism 表示带有…性质的,与…有关的
design v.
This room was designed for the children as a playroom.
[猜一猜] A. 设计 B. 描绘 C. 创新 D. 改进
[翻译] 这个房间被设计为游戏机室。
[分析] de + sign加强语气 + 记号,符号 → 做标记,设计,构思,绘制
[词义扩展] n. 设计,图样
His design of the bridge is highly praised by all the experts on spot. 他的桥梁设计受到了在场专家的一致好评。
[近义词] plan 计划,设计
designate v.
The hotel has been designate as the reception place of the tourist.
[猜一猜] A. 安排 B. 邀请 C. 承办 D. 指明
[翻译] 这个旅店被指定为那个旅游团的接待点。
[分析] de + sign + ate 加强语气 + 记号,标号 + 动词词尾 → 指明,指出
[近义词] appoint 任命,约定
fresh a.
From the fresh footmarks on the snow, we learned that they had left only for a while.
[猜一猜] A. 新的, 新鲜的 B 脏的 C. 乱, 凌乱 D. 复杂
[翻译] 从雪地里新的脚印我们可以看出他们刚离开了一会儿。
freshman n.
His English seemed not as pure as expected, for he was only a freshman of English major.
[猜一猜] A. 研究生 B. 毕业班学生 C. 新生, 大学一年级学生 D. 预备班学生
[翻译] 他的英语似乎没有想象的好, 因为他只是英语专业大一的新生。
[分析] fresh (新的 )man (人) → 新生
keep v.
These old clothes are not worth keeping.
[猜一猜] A. 捐献 B. 翻新 C. 保存 D. 裁减
[翻译] 这些旧衣服不值得保留了。
[近义词] remain: 仍然是,保持不变;maintain: 保持或维持某事物
[词义扩展] ① 保持,继续
She knew she must keep calm at this juncture. 她知道在这个关键时刻必须保持镇静。
② 保守
Can you keep the secret for me? 你能为我保守秘密吗?
③ 遵守
Everyone must keep the law, with no exception. 人人都必须守法,没有例外。
④ 守护
She kept her brothers for a week while her mother was away. 她妈妈外出了一星期,由她照看她的弟弟。
⑤ 扣留,留住
You can keep the tape if you do like it,I don't need it. 你要是确实喜欢这盒磁带就留着吧,我用不着了。
⑥ 经营,经售
She lived with her grandmother who kept a mall shop after her parents died. 父母死后,她就同奶奶一起生活,她奶奶经营着一个小店。
⑦ 供养,饲养
He has a large family to keep. 他要供养一个大家庭。
[[词组] ] keep back
① 防止,阻止,阻挡
They all run forward, but I kept back. 他们都朝前跑去,但是我不跑。
② 隐瞒,保留
She told us most of her life, but kept back the bit about her childhood. 她把她生活的大部分都告诉了我们,可留下了她童年的一小部分没讲。
keep down
① 控制,压制,镇压
Troops are sent to keep down the rebel. 军队被派去镇压叛乱。
② 压低(声音),放低(声音)
Please keep your voice down; the baby is sleeping. 请把声音放低一点,婴儿在睡觉。
keep from 使…不做
I could hardly keep from laughing over his funny action. 我忍不住要笑他那滑稽的动作。
keep off 不接近,避开
Keep the ship off the shore. 不要让船靠岸。
keep on 继续不断,保持
The new leader still keeps Mary as secretary. 新领导仍旧雇佣玛丽做秘书。
keep out of 躲开,置身…之外
The soldiers kept the enemy out of the country. 士兵御敌与国门之外。
keep to 坚持,保持
We should keep to the style of hard struggle and plain living even our living standard is high now. 即使现在生活水平提高了,我们也要保持艰苦奋斗的作风。
keep up
① 保持,维持
His spirits always kept up no matter what happened. 无论发生了什么,他的情绪都很高涨。
② 继续进行,坚持
He kept up his research even though he was ill. 即使病了,他也继续他的研究。
keep up with 向…看齐,跟上…
Mary has to work hard to keep up with her classmates, for she has missed too many classes. 玛丽得努力才能跟上她的同学们,因为她落了很多课。
friend n.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
[猜一猜] A. 情人 B. 妻子 C. 朋友 D. 兄弟
[翻译] 患难见真知。
[词组] make friends 交朋友, 友好相处
I would like to make friends with you. 我想和你交朋友。
be friends with 对…友好, 与…交上朋友
His character made him hard to be friends with others. 他的性格使他很难与别人交朋友。
friendly a.
We are always trying to build friendly relationship with other counties in worldwide.
[猜一猜] A. 友好的, 友谊的 B. 复杂的 C. 互相平等的 D. 模糊不清的
[翻译] 我们一直都在尝试在世界范围内与他国建立友好的关系。
[分析] friend (朋友)ly (形容词词尾) → 友好的, 友谊的
friendship n.
The friendship between us is hard to break no matter what would happen.
[猜一猜] A. 债务 B. 友谊 C. 利益 D. 诺言
[翻译] 不论发生什么事我们之间的友谊都不会破裂。
[分析] friend (朋友)ship (关系)→友谊, 友好
mind n.
Ever since I heard that song on the radio I've been unable to get it out of my mind.
[猜一猜] A. 智能 B. 想法 C. 心情 D. 头脑
[翻译] 自从我从收音机里听到那首歌以来,我就不能够把它从我的记忆中抹去。
[词义扩展] n. ① 理智,智能
You have to keep your mind when you have some trouble on your way of life. 在你人生道路上遇到困难的时候要保持理智。
② 想法,意见,心情,记忆
What is your mind on this matter? 对于这件事你有什么想法。
③ 注意,留心
Mind out! There is a car coming. 当心点,有车来了。
④ 介意,反对
Would you mind my using your book? 你介意我用一下你的书吗?
[词组] bear/keep in mind 记住
It is a good idea. I will keep it in mind. 是个好主意,我会记住的。
have in mind 记住,考虑到,想到
Please tell me exactly what you have in mind, otherwise you will be punished. 请如实告诉我你想到事情,否则你会受到惩罚的。
never mind 不要紧,没关系
“Never mind your damaged gates; what about the windows of my car!” said the angry driver.“你的门一点都不要紧,你看看我的车窗!”这个生气的司机说道。
make up one's mind 下决心
He had made up his mind to try his best to pass the examination. 他已经下定决心要尽他最大的努力通过考试。
pop a.
Pop music is very popular with the youth.
[猜一猜] A. 简单的 B. 古典的 C. 流行的 D. 摇滚的
[翻译] 流行音乐很受年轻人欢迎。
[词义扩展] n. 砰的一声
The pop of the firecrackers surprised all of us.
v. 突然出现,发生
The magician had real rabbits popping out of his hat. 魔术师把一只兔子突然从他的帽子里拉了出来。
popular a.
Boating and swimming are quite popular in Americans
[猜一猜] A. 有名的 B. 简单的 C. 昂贵的 D. 流行的
[翻译] 划船和游泳在美国人中很流行。
[词义扩展] a. 广受欢迎的,有名
The president was popular with the people. 总统很受人民欢迎。
popularity n.
They feared to attack him for his popularity.
[猜一猜] A. 权势 B. 流行 C. 脾气 D. 个性
[翻译] 他们不敢攻击他,因为他很受欢迎。
[大头巧计] popular流行的 + ity名词词尾 → 流行
population n.
The population of Scotland was nearly 2 million.
[猜一猜] A. 人口 B. 面积 C. 流行 D. 污染
[翻译] 苏格兰的人口将近两百万。
rate n.
The rate of divorce is increasing rapidly because of various reasons.
[猜一猜] A. 情况 B.速率,比率 C.例子 D.后果
[翻译] 由于各种原因,离婚率上升很快。
[词义扩展] n. ① 等级
a car of the first rate 一级小汽车
② 价格,费用
A new rate war has broke out. 一场新的价格战又开始了。
v. ① 估价
His property is hard to rate at. 很难估价他的财产。
② 评级,评价
They rate our services highly. 他们高度评价我们的服务。
[词组] in any rate 无论如何,至少
In any rate, you must make a sincere apologize to him. 无论如何,你必须向他真诚地道歉。
ratio n.
There are about 105 males born for every 100 females, but now the infants are in the ratio of 88∶100.
[猜一猜] A. 速度 B. 人数 C. 数量 D. 比,比率
[翻译] 出生时,男女婴儿的比例是105∶100,但是现在这个比例为88∶100了。
[近义词] rate
rational a.
It is usually the case that people seldom behave in a rational way when in a suddenlychanging state.
[猜一猜] A. 理智的,理性的 B. 平静的 C. 愤怒的 D.有礼貌的
[翻译] 在通常情况下,人们在情况突变时很少表现得很理智。
[分析] ration + al掂量,推量 + 形容词词尾 → 有掂量,推量能力的就是理性的,有理智的
[近义词] reasonable
rather ad.
He has been rather unwell last two weeks.
[猜一猜] A. 一点也不 B.许久 C. 相当,有一点儿 D.不会
[翻译] 上两周他有点儿不舒服。
[词义扩展] 宁愿,宁可
I would rather you typed the paper right away. 我倒希望你把这份文件马上打印出来。
[词组] had/would rather ... than 宁愿…,而不愿
He would rather play for a whole day than a while. 他宁愿整天玩也不愿工作一会儿。
rather than 而不,不顾
Rather than allow the books to go missing, he sold them at half price. 与其把书搞不见了,他宁愿半价卖了。
lavatory n.
Excuse me, can you tell me where the lavatory is?
[猜一猜] A. 邮局 B. 市政府 C. 警察厅 D. 厕所
[翻译] 打扰一下,您能告诉我厕所在哪吗?
[大头巧计] lav+ tory to wash + 表地点的名词词尾 → 冲水的地方:厕所。
[近义词] toilet:厕所
evaluate v.
We could not use unilateral criteria to evaluate others.
[猜一猜] A. 评价 B. 诋毁 C. 赞扬 D. 欣赏
[翻译] 我们不能用单方面的标准来评价别人。
[大头巧计] 前缀e出;词干value价值;后缀ate动词词尾,使价值出来,引申为评价,估价;求…的值。
[近义词] judge评价,判断 assess估定,评定 value估价,评价
evaluation n.
[词组] 评价,估价;赋值
[大头巧计] 前缀e出;词干value价值;后缀ation为名词词尾,引申为评价,估价。
[大头例句] The president gained high evaluation from his people due to his excellent work. 总统由于出色的工作得到了人民的高度评价。
coast n.
In summer many British people go to the coast for holiday.
[猜一猜] A. 海滨,海岸 B. 乡村 C. 别墅 D. 城市
[翻译] 许多英国人夏天去海滨度假。
await v.
A pleasant surprise awaited us when we were all depressed.
[猜一猜] A. 反射 B. 奉献 C. 命令 D. 等候,期待
[翻译] 有一个惊喜在等着沮丧不已的我们。
cap n.
The old man in a black cap is the former headmaster of the school.
[猜一猜] A. 上衣 B. 裤子 C. 鞋子 D. 帽子
[翻译] 那个带着黑色便帽的老人是这个学校的前任校长。
[词义扩展] n. 盖,罩,套
pen cap 笔帽
v. 覆盖于…顶端
Mist capped the London Bridge. 雾笼罩着伦敦桥。
cloth n.
She bought some cloth to make a new coat for her mother.
[猜一猜] A. 布料 B. 皮料 C. 材料 D. 毛线
[翻译] 她买了一些布料为她妈妈做一件新外套。
clothe v.
She clothed herself from head to foot for the ball tonight.
[猜一猜] A. 收拾 B. 化装 C. 梳洗 D. 给…穿衣服
[翻译] 为了参加今晚的舞会,她把自己从头到脚打扮了一番。
[近义词] dress 给…穿衣; wear 穿戴
clothes n.
Princess Diana was quite fastidious about her clothes.
[猜一猜] A. 外貌 B. 仪表 C. 衣服 D. 形象
[翻译] 戴安娜王妃对衣服很挑剔。
clothing n.
Clothing industry is thriving in Southeast of China.
[猜一猜] A. 纺织 B. 丝绸 C. 轻工 D. 服装
[翻译] 中国东南部的服装业很发达。
desirable a.
He has been promoted to a desirable position after working hardly.
[猜一猜] A. 高薪的 B. 荣耀的 C. 称心的 D. 合适的
[翻译] 他工作努力,如愿以偿的受到提升。
[分析] desir (e) + able要求 + 形容词词尾 → 期待已久的,称心的
desire v.
He has always desired to Harvard University to study for Master degree.
[猜一猜] A. 奋斗 B. 创造 C. 愿望 D. 实现
[翻译] 他很希望去哈佛大学攻读硕士学位。
[词义扩展] n. 愿望,欲望,要求
She has no desire to watch movie today. 她今天不想去看电影。
[近义词] want 想要,要求;wish 希望,愿望
flexible a.
To avoid dogmatism, we should make the policy more flexible, or there would be a mistake.
[猜一猜] A. 机械的 B. 灵活的 C. 教条的 D. 固定的
[翻译] 为了避免教条主义, 我们应该制定一些更为灵活的政策, 否则就会犯错。
[大头巧计] flex (花线, 皮线) + ible (形容词词尾, 表示能够) → 可以像线一样绕来绕去 → 灵活的, 易弯的, 柔韧的
[近义词] elastic; supple; pliant
geographical a.
The geographical feature made the climate distinctive in this country.
[猜一猜] A. 地理(学)的 B. 地质的 C. 气候的 D. 物理的
[翻译] 这个国家的地理特点形成了他独特的气候。
geography n.
He is a professor of geography.
[猜一猜] A. 人文 B.艺术 C.物理 D. 地理(学)
[翻译] 他是地理教授。
geology n.
Travels of Xuxia Ke is the first systematic work on geology of China.
[猜一猜] A. 地理学 B. 天文 C. 游记 D. 地质(学)
[翻译] 《徐霞客游记》是中国第一部地质学的比较系统的书。
hinge n.
Take the window off its hinge and change it.
[猜一猜] A. 帘子 B. 框 C. 铰链 D. 支架
[翻译] 把窗户的铰链下下来换一个。
[同义词] clasp,depend
December n.
We will have out final exam at the end of December.
[猜一猜] A. 学期 B. 课程 C. 安排 D. 十二月
[翻译] 我们十二月底会有期末考试。