70天突破考研英语词汇 Day 17
happiness n.
He only concerned about his own happiness.
[猜一猜] A. 利益 B. 工作 C. 前途 D. 幸福
[翻译] 他只关心他自己的幸福。
[分析] happ(y)开心+(I)+ ness 名词词尾
happy a.
I will not be happy until I know he is safe.
[猜一猜] A. 满意 B. 开心 C. 精神 D. 舒适
[翻译] 在我知道他安全之前,我是不会开心的。
India n.
India is one of the neighboring countries of China.
[猜一猜] A. 印度 B. 领国 C. 印尼 D. 亚洲
[翻译] 印度是中国的邻国之一。
Indian a.
This present is from an Indian friend of mine
[猜一猜] A. 贫穷的 B. 友好的 C. 高贵的 D. 印度的
[翻译] 这个礼物是我的一个印度朋友送的。
know v.
Have you ever known her to lose her temper?
[猜一猜] A. 注意到 B. 知道 C. 相信 D. 怀疑
[翻译] 你知道她曾发过火吗?
[词义扩展] v. ① 认识,熟悉
I have no idea of what she likes; I just know her by name. 我不知道她喜欢什么,我只是知道她的名字。
② 精通
Knowing his business well, he is promoted manager. 他因精通业务而被提升为经理。
③ known as 被认为是,被称为
He is known as a fair judge. 他被认为是公正的法官。
[近义词] learn:熟悉,得知,认识到
knowledge n.
Knowledge advances by steps not by leaps.
[猜一猜] A. 经验 B. 财富 C. 智慧 D. 知识
[翻译] 知识的获得是循序渐进的而不是突飞猛进的。
[词义扩展] n. 知道,了解
I have no knowledge of his arrival. 我不知道他来了。
guidance n.
Under the guidance of the famous professor, she finally got the doctorate degree of Cambridge.
[猜一猜] A. 导游 B. 指导 C. 引路 D. 领袖
[翻译] 在那个著名教授的指导下,她终于拿到了剑桥大学的博士学位。
[近义词] direction; instruction
guide v.
When you get lost in a forest, compass can be used for guiding you.
[猜一猜] A. 导游 B. 影响 C. 为…领路 D. 指南针
[翻译] 当你在森林里迷路的时候,指南针可以用来指路。
[词义扩展] n. ① 领路人
Chairman Mao is the guide for Chinese revolution. 毛主席是中国革命的领路人。
② 指南,导游
To be a good guide is many girls dream. 许多女孩都希望做一个好导游。
[近义词] lead
indifferent a.
Don't be so indifferent to me, I can't stand it.
[猜一猜] A. 与众不同的 B. 生气的 C. 苛刻的 D. 冷漠的
[翻译] 别对我这么冷漠,我受不了这个。
[大头巧计] in(not) + different → 对你没什么不同,显得很冷漠。
disturb v.
The bilateral relationship was seriously disturbed by the border incident.
[猜一猜] A. 扰乱, 妨碍 B. 干涉 C. 协商 D. 打击
[翻译] 这一边境事件严重影响了双边关系。
[近义词] influence 影响; disrupt 使分裂,破坏; interrupt 打断,妨碍
disturbance n.
He was a disturbance to the other students, so the teacher asked him to get out.
[猜一猜] A. 模范 B. 干扰 C. 服务 D. 作弄
[分析] isturb+ ance 扰乱,妨碍+名词词尾 → 动乱,骚乱,干扰
[翻译] 因为他干扰了其他学生,所以老师让他出去。
[近义词] chaos 混乱
fame n.
We ought to inquire into her former and present fame.
[猜一猜] A. 流行 B. 名声 C. 信仰 D. 仪式
[翻译] 我们必须对她现在和过去的名声进行了解。
[分析] [形]famous → [名]fame
family n.
Not many families in that remote village own a television.
[猜一猜] A. 家 B. 组长 C. 部门 D. 集团
[翻译] 那个偏僻山村里很少家庭有电视机。
[词义扩展] ① 氏族,家庭
He must be from a noble family, judging from his elegant bearings. 他风度翩翩,一定是来自贵族家庭。
② 族,科
animals of the cat family 猫科动物
dislike n.
This caused me to take an instant dislike to the man.
[猜一猜] A. 灵感 B. 燃烧 C. 积极 D. 厌恶
[分析] dis + like 否定前缀+ 喜欢,喜爱 → 不喜欢,厌恶
[翻译] 这使得我马上就厌恶这个人了。
[词义扩展] v. 不喜欢,厌恶
My father dislikes seeing you and me together. 我父亲不喜欢看到你和我在一起。
impartial a.
Judges are required to make impartial judgments.
[猜一猜] A. 绝对的 B. 公正的 C. 立即的 D. 有影响的
[翻译] 法官必须作出公正的判断。
[大头巧计] im(not) + part(一部分) + ial(adj) → 不是(偏向)哪一部分的 → 公正的
loose a.
This coat is too loose.
[猜一猜] A. 紧的 B. 小的 C. 松的,肥大的 D. 短的
[翻译] 这件外套太松了。
loosely ad.
We should pack the earth neither too loosely nor too firmly.
[猜一猜] A. 松散地 B. 潮湿地 C. 干燥地 D. 紧地
[翻译] 我不能把土压得太松,也不能太紧。
[大头巧计] loose 松的 + 副词词缀“ly” 宽松地,松散地
loosen v.
He loosened his coat, but didn't take it off.
[猜一猜] A. 脱下 B. 松开 C. 穿上 D. 放下
[翻译] 他解开外套,但是不脱下来。
[大头巧计] 形容词 loose + 动词后缀en 解开,松开
happen v.
How did the accident happen?
[猜一猜] A. 出现 B. 发生 C. 解决 D. 控制
[翻译] 那个意外是怎么发生的?
[大头巧计] happen to + inf. 碰巧,偶然
He was happened to be out, when I called. 我打电话的时候,他碰巧出去了。 occur;take place
fence n.
There are fences made of bamboo around the garden.
[猜一猜] A. 篱笆,栅栏 B. 花篮 C. 园子 D. 歇息地
[翻译] 花园被竹子做的篱笆围着。
[词义扩展] n. 击剑
He likes watching fence. 他喜欢看击剑表演。
v. 击剑
I am learning how to fence. 我正在学怎样击剑。
forecast v./n.
Listen to the daily weather forecast is a habit of mine.
[猜一猜] A. 节目 B. 预报, 预测 C. 电视剧 D. 电影,影碟
[翻译] 收听每日天气预报是我的一个习惯.
[大头巧计] fore(前面的, 预先的)cast (扔, 抛) → 提前扔下的 → 预报, 预测
[近义词] predict; foresee; foretell
forefather n.
It was said the forefather of the human being is ape.
[猜一猜] A. 朋友 B. 亲人 C. 祖先 D. 先父
[翻译] 据说人类的祖先是猿。
[分析] fore (前面的)father (父亲) → 祖先
forefinger n.
She pointed to the door with her forefinger, ordering him to get out at once.
[猜一猜] A. 拇指 B. 无名指 C. 小指 D. 食指
[翻译] 她用食指指着门, 命令他立即出去。
[分析] fore (前面的)finger (手指) → 最前面的手指 (五指伸出时最长的一个) → 食指
foregoing a.
The words foregoing come into force as soon as uttered.
[猜一猜] A. 在前的,前述的 B. 前行 C. 现在的 D. 已去的
[翻译] 上面所说的话已经说出立即生效.
[分析] fore (前面的)-going (走) → 走在前面的 → 在前的,前述的
forehead n.
She has a bright and protruding forehead, which is a sign of intelligence as others say.
[猜一猜] A. 刘海 B. 前额 C. 大脑 D. 天灵盖
[翻译] 她有一个发亮并且突出的前额,别人说这是聪明的标志。
[大头巧计] fore (前面的)-head (头) → 头前面的 → 额头,前额
donate v.
He donated a large sum of money to the university where he graduated years ago for its 100 anniversary.
[猜一猜] A. 集资 B. 捐献,赠送 C. 公布 D. 提高
[翻译] 他为母校100周年捐了一大笔钱。
[近义词] contribute 捐助,捐献
French n.
He is a pure French man.
[猜一猜] A. 英国的 B. 西班牙的 C. 法国的,法国人 D. 日本的, 日本人
[翻译] 他是一个纯正的法国人。
[词义扩展] n. 法语, 法国人
French is one of the most beautiful languages in the world. 法语是世界上最美丽的语言之一。
crisis (pl.)crises n.
We overcame the financial crisis in 1998.
[猜一猜] A. 假日 B. 危机 C. 岁月 D. 噩梦
[翻译] 我们度过了1998年的金融危机。
expose v.
The president's scandal was exposed to public by media.
[猜一猜] A. 暴露 B. 隐瞒 C. 谴责 D. 流传
[翻译] 总统的丑闻被媒体公之于众。
[大头巧计] 前缀ex出来;词干pose放置;放在外面,引申为使暴露,受到;使曝光。
You will get sunburnt if you expose your skin to the sun too long. 如果你将皮肤暴露在太阳底下太久,会被晒伤的。
[近义词] disclose 揭露,暴露 uncover 揭开,揭露 reveal暴露,揭示
exposure n.
Alcohol will volatilize after exposure to the air.
[猜一猜] A. 稀释 B. 暴露 C. 挥发 D. 干涸
[翻译] 酒精暴露在空气中会挥发。
[大头巧计] 前缀ex出来;词干pose放置;后缀ure名词词尾;放在外面,引申为暴露,揭露;受到等。
The behavior is an extreme exposure of his motivation. 这个行为将他的动机暴露无遗。
community n.
People in this community live together in perfect harmony.
[猜一猜] A. 公寓 B. 社区 C. 城市 D. 村庄
[翻译] 住在这个社区的人们相处的十分融洽。
[分析] Com + muni + ty together + service + 名词词尾 → 共同服务的地方,社区
[词义扩展] n. 共同体
The Chinese community in Britain celebrates spring festival every tear in special way. 在英国的中国侨民团每年以他们特殊的方式庆祝春节。
found v.
The Party was founded formally in 1921.
[猜一猜] A. 成立 B. 发现 C. 消失 D. 创造
[翻译] 中国共产党于1921年正式成立。
foundation n.
Material is the foundation of the spirit.
[猜一猜] A. 成立 B. 功能 C. 基础 D. 材料
[翻译] 物质是精神的基础。
[分析] found(建立)-ation → 基础,建立,根本,创立
[词义扩展] n. ① 地基
the foundation of a block of flats. 一排公寓的地基。
② 基金,基金会
the charity foundation 慈善基金会
flesh n.
The trap had cut deeply into the rabbit's flesh.
[猜一猜] A. 尾巴 B. 新鲜 C. 皮肉 D. 光亮
[翻译] 捕兽夹紧紧地夹住兔子的皮肉。
cover v.
The ground is covered with snow.
[猜一猜] A. 掩饰 B. 暴露 C. 覆盖 D. 照耀
[翻译] 地面被雪覆盖了。
[词义扩展] n. 盖子,套子
The cover of the box is missing. 盒子的盖子不见了。
② (书的)封面
The cover girls are usually modern and fashionable. 封面女郎一般都十分新潮时髦。
cover up 掩饰,掩盖
He burned all the evidence and covered up the fact. 他烧掉所有的证据,掩盖了事实的真相。
hill n.
My house is on the side of the hill.
[猜一猜] A. 城市 B. 郊区 C. 小山 D. 山脉
[翻译] 我的房子在一座小山旁边。
[词义扩展] 斜坡
The little girl is trying her best to push her bike up a steep hill. 这个小女孩正在尽力把她的车推上斜坡。
hillside n.
There is a big tress planted on the hillside last year.
[猜一猜] A. 山腰 B. 山顶 C. 山洞 D. 山脚
[翻译] 在山腰上有一颗去年中的树。
[分析] hill(山)+ side (边)= 山边
maintain v.
The town council maintained the roads.
[猜一猜] A. 保持 B. 改造 C. 铺 D. 维修
[翻译] 城市委员会把公路维修了一番。
[词义扩展] v. ①维持,保持
Be careful to maintain your reputation. 注意要维持你的尊严。
① 坚持,主张,支持
He maintained that the performance was a splendid one. 他坚持说表演很精彩。
maintenance n.
The department was responsible for the building's maintenance.
[猜一猜] A. 维修 B. 坚持 C. 主张 D. 支持
[翻译] 这个部门负责建筑物的维修工作。
[词义扩展] n. 维持,保持
Our foreign policy is maintenance of friendly relations with all countries. 我们的外交政策是与所有的国家维持良好的外交关系。
low a.
The temperature is very low yesterday, but it's much warmer today.
[猜一猜] A. 低的 B. 高的 C. 热的 D. 冷的
[翻译] 昨天温度很低,但是今天暖和多了。
[词义扩展] a. ① 低劣的,低级的,卑贱的
We couldn't disregard those of low birth. 我们不能瞧不起那些出身低微的人。
② 低声的
He voice is so low, that it is very difficult to make him understood. 他声音很低,我们听不清楚。
lower a.
The bottle is on the lower shelf so that the children can reach it.
[猜一猜] A. 较低的 B. 较高的 C. 较远的 D. 较长的
[翻译] 瓶子在较矮的架子上,孩子们都够得着。
[大头巧计] low 低的 + 比较级“er” → 较低的
[词义扩展] v. 降下,放低
Lower the price, and you will make a big profit. 降低价格,你就会赚大钱的。
include v.
Your duty for the day includes checking your homework and cleaning the house.
[猜一猜] A. 包含 B. 推卸 C. 使明白 D. 完成
[翻译] 你今天的任务包括检查作业和打扫房间。
[大头巧计] in(里面) + clue(to shut关) → 关在里面 → 包含
inclusive a.
This sum of money is inclusive of tuition fees.
[猜一猜] A. 排除的 B. 预收的 C. 包含的 D. 延后的
[翻译] 这笔钱包含了学费。
[词义扩展] 范围广的 Our hotel provides inclusive services for tourists. 我们旅店为旅客提供各种服务。
minister n.
The minister of education has just arrived in Australia for cultural exchange.
[猜一猜] A. 牧师 B. 首长 C. 主任 D. 代表
[翻译] 教育部长刚刚抵达澳大利亚进行学术交流活动。
[大头巧计] mini + ster,小人(古代大臣称自己是小人),部长,大臣
ministry n.
The ministry of education is in charge of all aspects of educational problems.
[猜一猜] A. 牧师 B. 大臣 C. 部 D. 官方
[翻译] 教育部掌管着教育的各方面问题。
[词义扩展] n. 牧师
He is now 50 years old, and he has been a ministry for nearly 20 years old. 他现在50岁了,他做牧师已经将近20年了。
minor a.
He left most of his money to his sons; his daughter only received a minor share of his wealth.
[猜一猜] A. 主要的 B. 次要的 C. 从属的 D. 较小的
[翻译] 他把他的大多数钱都留给了他的儿子,他的女儿只得到了一小部分。
[词义扩展] n. 兼修学科
In his third year of university, he took chemistry as his minor. 在他大三的时候,他兼修了化学。
v. (in) 兼修
Nowadays she is minoring in English. 她现在在兼修英语。
minority n.
The minority in our country is given some special treatments.
[猜一猜] A. 多数派 B. 边远地区 C. 少数民族 D. 山区
[翻译] 在我们国家少数民族被特殊对待。
[大头巧计] minor 小的 + ity 名词词尾,小部分的人,少数民族
yet ad.
The book is satisfying, yet there are some mistakes.
[猜一猜] A. 尚,仍然 B. 反而 C. 更加 D. 而且
[翻译] 这本书很让人满意,但还是存在一些问题。
[词义扩展] ad. 已经,更 conj. 然而,但是
[词组] and yet 可是,然而
She speaks Russian fluently and yet she prefers to chatter in English. 她说俄语很流利,可是她更喜欢用英语交谈。
as yet 到目前为止,到那时为止
As yet, we haven't heard the news about the football games. 到目前为止,我们还没听到关于足球赛的消息。
zigzag n.
Walking through a path forming a zigzag, you can find there small house in the woods.
[猜一猜] A. 漫长 B. 泥泞 C. 之字形 D. 笔直
[翻译] 走过那条之字形的小路,你就会在树林里发现他们的小屋。
[词义扩展] a. 之字形的
a zigzag path 一条之字形的小路
v. 使曲折,曲折盘旋
You can always find paths zigzagging up the mountain. 你总能在山上发现蜿蜒盘旋的小路延伸上去。