National Governors Association
Council of Chief State School Officers
No Child Left Behind Act
Americans are considering national education standards recently developed by teachers and other education experts. The National Governors Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers led the effort. The United States, unlike other nations, has never had the same school standards acros…
最近,美国人正在讨论由教师和教育专家们提出的国家教育标准草案。全美州长协会和全美州首席教育官理事会正致力于此事。 美国与其他国家不同,从未在整个国家施行相同的学校标准。为什么呢?因为宪法中没有讨论教育问题。宪法中界定了联邦政府的责任范围,超出此范围的事务,例如教育,由各州自行负责。 在200年以前,由当…