70天突破考研英语词汇 Day 8
slogan n.
The slogan of our school is very exciting.
[猜一猜] A. 命令 B. 消息 C. 口号 D. 动作
[翻译] 我们学校的口号十分振奋人心。
[联想记忆] 原来为爱尔兰氏族的作战时候的呐喊,后演变为口号。
[近义词] motto 口号
quart n.
The container is about a quart.
[猜一猜] A. 升 B. 厘米 C. 千克 D. 夸脱
[翻译] 这个容器的容量大约为一夸脱。
quarter n.
How many minutes is a quarter of an hour?
[猜一猜] A. 二分之一 B. 四分之一 C. 一部分 D. 全部
[翻译] 1·/4·小时是多少分钟?
[词义扩展] ① 季,季度
We get our salary at the end of each quarter. 我们每季度末发工资。
② 一刻钟
They will meet at quarter to ten. 他们将于9∶45见面。
③ [pl.]方向,地区,方面
I wish to travel to quarters of the globe. 我希望畅游世界。
④ [pl.]住处
President of our school will visit our quarters. 我校校长将参观我们的居住区。
quarterly a.
This is a quarterly journal.
[猜一猜] A. 每季的 B. 每周的 C. 每月的 D. 每年的
[翻译] 这是一份季刊。
[词义扩展] ad. 每季一次
Please pay your phone bill quarterly. 请按季度交电费。
n. 季刊
quartz n.
My brother bought e a quartz clock from the U.S..
[猜一猜] A. 使用的 B. 美观的 C. 玩具 D. 石英
[翻译] 我哥哥从美国给我带回一个石英钟。
grammar n.
I want to buy a Japanese grammar to improve my Japanese.
[猜一猜] A. 克 B. 语法书 C. 语法学 D. 语法学家
[翻译] 我想买本日语语法书来提高我的日语水平。
grammatical a.
There are so many grammatical errors in my composition that I should make every effort to improve my writing.
[猜一猜] A. 千克 B. 语法书 C. 克 D. 语法的
[翻译] 我的作文里出现了那么多的语法错误,我必须尽最大努力提高我的写作水平了。
emphasis n.
At present, the emphasis of our work is upon developing economy.
[猜一猜] A. 重点 B. 弱点 C. 关系 D. 价值
[翻译] 当前,我们工作的重点在发展经济上。
[大头例句] WTO has shifted its emphasis upon rules based litigation. 世贸组织将重心转移到了法规基础上的起诉。
[近义词] stress 着重,强调
emphasize v.
The traffic policeman emphasizes the potential danger of disobeying the traffic laws.
[猜一猜] A. 提醒 B. 忽略 C. 宣传 D. 强调
[翻译] 交警强调了违反交通规则的潜在危险。
[大头例句] The chairman emphasized success they achieved in the conference. 主席在会上强调了他们所取得的成绩。
[近义词] stress 强调,着重
impurity n.
To be a polite person, one should not use remarks of impurity.
[猜一猜] A. 不洁 B. 过时 C. 方言 D. 高傲
[翻译] 要做一个有礼貌的人,就不应该说脏(不洁的)话。
[大头巧计] pure 纯洁的 → purity 纯洁 → impurity 不纯洁。
[词义扩展] 杂质
Diamond can be much more valuable by removing impurities from it. 去除杂质,钻石会值钱得多。
festival n.
Nowadays Chinese begin to follow some western festivals such as Christmas.
[猜一猜] A. 礼仪 B. 节日 C. 用语 D. 习惯
[翻译] 现在中国人也过起了许多西方节日,例如圣诞节。
[词义扩展] ① 音乐节
the folk music festival 民歌音乐节
② 戏剧节
the Shanghai Film Festival 上海电影节
charge v.
The stingy landlord charged me 600 yuan a year.
[猜一猜] A. 支付 B. 赔偿 C. 索价 D. 敲诈
[翻译] 这个吝啬的房东每年向我索要600元房租。
[词义扩展] v. ① 控告,指控
She was charged by the police with blackmail. 警察以敲诈的名义指控她。
charge a battery 给电池充电
n. ① 费用,代价
There is no doubt that the admission charge is quite reasonable. 毫无疑问这样的入场费很合理。
② 电荷,负荷
Scientists have proved that a complete atom has no electrical charge. 科学家证明一个完整的原子不带电荷。
in charge of 负责,主管
The monitor should be in charge of our class when the teacher is away. 老师不在的时候由班长负责。
take charge of 担任,负责
The boss asked me to take charge of the company when he was on holiday. 老板去度假的时候要我来负责公司。
charm n.
This beautiful lady of great charm attracted all the people in the party.
[猜一猜] A. 礼服 B. 举止 C. 魅力 D. 学识
[翻译] 这位美丽的女士极有魅力,迷倒了舞会上所有的人。
[词义扩展] n. 美貌
The charm of this girl only brought her o lot of troubles. 这个女孩子的美貌仅仅给她带来了很多麻烦。
v. ① 迷人,(使)陶醉
The gentleman was charmed by the beautiful and intelligent young lady. 这位绅士被那个年轻漂亮而聪明的女士迷住了。
② 施魔法于
In a fairy story, an ugly witch charmed a handsome prince. 在童话故事里,丑陋的女巫对英俊的王子施了魔法。
charming a.
My hometown is really a charming village.
[猜一猜] A. 贫穷的 B. 富裕的 C. 平静的 D. 迷人的
[翻译] 我的家乡确实是一个迷人的村庄。
[近义词] lovely 可爱的
attractive 诱人的,有吸引力的
total a.
We are trying our best to increase the total industrial output value in our country.
[猜一猜] A. 年度的 B. 总的、全部的 C. 国民的 D. 国内的
[翻译] 我们正尽全力提高我国工业总产值。
[词义扩展] 合计,总数达
The visitors totaled 8,000. 来宾达八千人。
touch v.
Please don't touch the exhibits.
[猜一猜] A. 触摸 B. 损坏 C. 拍摄 D. 打碎
[翻译] 请勿触摸展品。
[词义扩展] v. ① 感动,触动
I was touched by the warmness of the students deeply. 我被同学们的热情深深感动。
② 涉及,论及
They touched many questions of mutual concern in their talk. 他们在会谈中谈到了很多双方关心的问题。
n. 触动,碰到The teacher gave me a touch on the arm. 老师碰了一下我的手臂。
[固定搭配] keep in touch 保持联系
I keep in touch with few of mine previous classmates. 我和以前的同学几乎没什么联系。
out of touch 失去联系
He has been out of touch with his teacher since the war. 战争之后,他就和他的老师失去了联系。
touch on 关系到,涉及
The matter was hardly touched on. 那件事几乎没被提到。
touch up 润色,改进
I am going to touch up the scratches with a bit of paint. 我要用点颜料修补那些划痕。
beware v.
Each time you are in a crowd in this city, you have to beware of the pickpockets.
[猜一猜] A. 预防 B. 当心 C. 希望 D. 危害
[翻译] 在这个城市的任何一处人潮里,你都得提防小偷。
[分析] be+ ware 使 + 注意 → 小心,谨防
bewilder v.
I'm completely bewildered by the constant incongruity of his words and behavior.
[猜一猜] A. 使迷惑 B. 使偏心 C. 使超越 D. 使无奈
[翻译] 我被他频繁的言行不一弄得晕头转向。
[大头巧计] wild 野生的 → wilder 荒野,杂乱 → bewilder 在荒野,杂乱中,当然会迷惑。
beyond prep.
The path extends beyond two slopes.
[猜一猜] A. 高 B. 成见 C. 在…的远处 D. 附录
[翻译] 这条小径一直延伸过两个山坡。
[词义扩展] prep. 迟于
I will not stay outside beyond midnight. 我会在午夜前回去的。
ad. 在那边,在远处
Her skill of acting is beyond praise. 她的演技令人称赞不已。
mercy n.
He showed mercy to the defeated enemy.
[猜一猜] A. 善良 B. 残忍 C. 帮助 D. 怜悯
[翻译] 他对战败的敌人表示了怜悯。
at the mercy of 在…的支配下
[大头例句] We were at the mercy of the enemy. 我们处于敌人的支配下。
place n.
Is this the place where the accident happened?
[猜一猜] A. 房子 B. 车站 C. 地点 D. 机场
[翻译] 这就是那意外发生的地点吗?
[词义扩展] n. ① 名次
He finished in first place.他得了第一名。
② 地位,职位
He hopes to get a place in the company. 他希望在那个公司里得到一个职位。
③ 寓所
They have a place in the county.
v. ① 安排,任命
Responsibility for the business is placed in his hands. 由他负责谈判的事宜。
② 放置
He placed the book on the desk。他把书放在桌子上。
③ 投(资)
The manger placed the money in industrial stock. 经理把钱投资在工业股票上。
[词组] ① in place 在适当的位置
I like everything to be in place before I start work. 我喜欢东西都放好了再开始工作。
② in place of 代替
He will in place of his teacher to teach those poor children. 他将代替他的老师去教那些穷孩子。
③ in the first place 起初,首先
In the first place,he likes his sister very much so it is impossible for him to do that. 首先他很喜欢他妹妹所以他不可能那样做。
④ in the last place 最后
He gives up in the last place. 他最后还是放弃了。
⑤out of place 不得其所的,不适当的
Her comments were quite out of place. 她的评价实在是太不恰当了。
⑥ take place 发生,进行When the meeting take place? 会议什么时候开?⑦ take the place of 代替His assistant will take the place of him to attend the meeting. 他的助手将代替他出席这次会议。
[近义词] arrange,set,station
neighbor/neighbour n.
Holland is one of Germany's neighbors.
[猜一猜] A. 审判 B. 邻居 C. 轮廓 D. 名牌
[翻译] 荷兰是德国的邻国之一。
neighborhood/neighbourhood n.
The deep night warning alarms the whole neighborhood.
[猜一猜] A. 这样 B. 答案 C. 邻居 D. 陆军
[翻译] 深夜的警报使整个街坊惊恐。
[词义扩展] 四邻,街道
There are many shops in the neighborhood of my house. 我家四周有很多商店。
request n.
At the request of the Medical Officer of Health, people with SARS are to be segregated temporarily.
[猜一猜] A. 妥协 B. 要求 C. 原稿 D. 预算
[翻译] 按医疗保健官员的要求,携带SARS病毒的人将会暂时隔离。
[分析] re + quest 加强意义+ 寻求 → 要求
[词义扩展] v. 请求,要求
be requested not to be late 被要求不许迟到
[近义词] ask
require v.
All machines are required regular maintenance.
[猜一猜] A. 需要 B. 寻求 C. 应该 D. 获得
[翻译] 所有的机器都需要定期维修。
[词义扩展] (of) 要求,命令
[近义词] need
requirement n.
Some of the world's fertilizer requirements are met by natural gas.
[猜一猜] A. 获得 B. 请求 C. 储备 D. 需要
[翻译] 世界化肥的需求量一部分是由天然气来满足的。
skill n.
The cook won a lot of praise with his perfect skill.
[猜一猜] A. 味道 B. 技术 C. 菜 D. 厨具
[翻译] 厨师以他精湛的厨技赢得了许多赞美。
[词义扩展] 熟练的
play foot with skill 熟练的玩球
skilled a.
He is skilled in preparing the car.
[猜一猜] A. 生疏的 B. 熟练的 C. 外行的 D. 无能的
[翻译] 他修车技术很熟练。
[分析] skill + ed (名词)技术 + 形容词后缀 → 有技术的
[词义扩展] 需要技能的
We have a skilled work to do. 我们有一项需要高技术的工作要做。
skillful a.
He is quite skillful in/at persuading.
[猜一猜] A. 迟钝的 B. 笨拙的 C. 有技巧的 D. 聪明的
[翻译] 他在劝说方面很有技巧。
[分析] skill + ful (名词)技术 + 形容词后缀 → 灵巧的,熟练的
tire v.
The patient tires very soon if he exerts himself.
[猜一猜] A. 恢复 B. 衰老 C.(使)疲倦 D.(使)沮丧、(使)失落
[翻译] 病人一用力就会感到疲劳。
[词义扩展] v. (使)厌倦
He never tires of helping others. 他助人不倦。
n. (=tyre) 轮胎,车胎
She determined to get rid of the spare tire on he waist before her boyfriend returned. 她下定决心在男友回来之前将腰上的赘肉减掉。
tired a.
Go to bed. You look tired out.
[猜一猜] A. 生病的 B. 疲劳的 C. 愤怒的 D. 悲伤的
[翻译] 去睡觉吧,你看上去疲劳极了。
[词义扩展] 厌倦的
I am tired of staying at all the time. 我厌倦了一直呆在家里。
tiredsome a.
How tiredsome! I have left my watch behind.
[猜一猜] A. 使人厌倦的,讨厌的 B. 郁闷的 C. 倒霉的 D. 无聊的
[翻译] 真讨厌!我忘了带手表。
[联想记忆] “some”词缀放在动词后面构成相应的形容词;如:troublesome, tiredsome。
flow v.
All branches of the river become one and flow into sea at the delta.
[猜一猜] A. 漂浮 B. 滚动 C. 冲洗, 奔流 D. 流, 流动
[翻译] 这条河的所有支流在三角洲处汇集流入大海。
[词义扩展] n. 流量, 流速
The flow of the river is 14 kilometers per hour. 这条河的流速是每小时十四公里。
[近义词] stream,rush
flour n.
Jane bought one kilogram of flour to make dumpling for the whole family, for it is the New Year day today.
[猜一猜] A. 洪水 B. 面粉 C. 地板 D. 花粉
[翻译] 简买了一公斤面粉来给全家人包饺子, 因为今天是新年。
flower n.
During spring sunny days various kinds of flower are smiling to visitors in the park during springsunny days, fearing that the eyes will not be caught.
[猜一猜] A. 花 B. 花期 C. 果实 D. 水果
[翻译] 春天天气晴朗的日子里, 公园里各种各样的花对着游人微笑, 惟恐得不到人的欣赏。
[词义扩展] v. 开花
How long does it flower if the weather remains sunny? 如果天气晴好, 它会开几天?
flourish v.
The economy of countryside has been flourishing in the past 20 years.
[猜一猜] A. 繁荣 B. 面粉的 C. 衰败 D. 发达
[翻译] 过去的二十年里农村的经济得到了蓬勃的发展。
[大头巧计] flour(面粉)rish → 像面粉一样多的 → 繁荣, 茂盛, 兴旺。
nothing n.
Nothing is difficult in this world if you dare scale the heights.
[猜一猜] A. 往事 B. 没有东西 C. 考虑 D. 攀登
[翻译] 世上无难事只要敢攀登。
[词义扩展] n. ① 不足道的事物
There is nothing in the radio tonight. 今晚广播没什么好节目。
② 无,零,小事
I got this booklist for nothing. 我免费得到了这本书目。
ad. 毫不,满不是
She is nothing like her father. 她一点也不像她的爸爸。
nothing but 只有,仅仅
He was nothing but a ignorant child then. 他那时只是个不懂事的小孩子。
pollute v.
All these waste products are polluting the river.
[猜一猜] A. 污染 B. 干涸 C. 损害 D. 排放
[翻译] 这些废物正在污染着河流。
pollution n.
The new law will reduce the pollution of air.
[猜一猜] A. 污染 B. 净化 C. 湿度 D. 干燥
[翻译] 新的法律将会减少空气的污染。
[大头巧计] pollute + tion 污染 + 名词词尾 → (名词)污染,玷污
global a.
The entrance of china into WTO is of global significance.
[猜一猜] A. 全国的 B. 地区的 C. 巨大的 D. 世界的
[翻译] 中国加入世贸组织具有世界性的意义。
[近义词] international
globe n.
It is helpful to study geography with a globe.
[猜一猜] A. 地图 B. 滚动 C. 地球仪 D. 闪耀
[翻译] 使用地球仪来学习地理是很有帮助的。
[词义扩展] 地球,世界
The globe is getting warmer and warmer as the environment is being destroyed. 随着环境不断地被破坏,地球正在不断变暖。
[近义词] tellurion
glorify v.
The heroes deserve all of our glorifying.
[猜一猜] A. 推崇 B. 学习 C. 赞美 D. 缅怀
[翻译] 英雄值得我们为之赞美。
[近义词] praise
glorious a.
The glorious feats of China during last century encourage every Chinese.
[猜一猜] A. 辉煌的 B. 大量的 C. 臭名昭著的 D.繁重的
[翻译] 上个世纪中国所取得的辉煌成绩激励着每一个中国人。
[词义扩展] 光荣的
The deeds of heroes are glorious while those of villains are vulgar. 英雄的所作所为是光荣的,而小人的所作所为是粗俗的。
[近义词] magnificent
pure a.
When she was young, she liked to dress in pure white.
[猜一猜] A. 淡淡的 B.纯的,纯洁的 C. 柔弱的 D. 完美的
[翻译] 她年轻时喜欢穿纯白色的衣服。
[词义扩展] ① 纯理论的
He is studying pure science in university. 他在大学里研究纯科学。
② 完全的,十足的
Talking with her is a pure waste of time, because she often refers to trifle things. 和她交谈完全是浪费时间,因为她经常提及一些无关紧要的小事。
purify v.
It is not necessary to boil the purified drinking water.
[猜一猜] A. 混合 B. 包装 C. 贮存 D. 使纯净
[翻译] 没必要将经过净化的饮用水再煮沸。
[分析] puri + fy 纯净的 + 动词词尾 → 使纯净
purity n.
The purity of her dressing taste drew a lot of attention on the evening party.
[猜一猜] A. 朴素 B. 古怪 C. 时尚 D. 纯净,纯洁
[翻译] 她纯洁的服装品味吸引了晚会上的众多目光。
[分析] puri + ty 纯洁的 + 名词词尾 → 纯洁,纯度
[词义扩展] 纯度
The purity of the water in Yellow River is not satisfying, for it has been polluted for such a long time. 黄河水的纯度不令人满意,因为它被污染的时间太长了。
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