
作者: 来源:考研论坛 时间:2010-08-04 15:04

768. The man with mittens intermittently intervened the remittance.

768. 戴连指手套的人间歇地介入汇款。

769. The scorched couch is put in the porch of epoch.

769. 被烤焦睡椅放在时代门廊内。

770. 可怕的君主垄断了君主国。

771. The missionary transmitted emission emitted lately.

771. 传教士传播了新近散发出来的散发物。

772. I'm intent on tentative retention of potential patents.

772. 我热衷于潜在专利权的暂时保留。

773. The expelled man repelled billions of rebellions.

773. 遭到驱逐的男子击退了数十亿次叛乱。

774. The cellar-dweller yelled, "Fell the jellyfish burglar!"

774. 住地下室的人喊道:“打倒海蜇窃贼!”。

775. The diplomatic diplomas are made in automation in the autonomy.

775. 外交证书在自治区是自动化生产的。

776. The enrolled jolly stroller polled on the trolley.

776. 被招收的快乐的散步者在无轨电车上投票。

777. The contaminated vital vitamin made racial discrimination come to culmination.

777. 被污染的重要维他命使种族歧视达到极点。

778. The jogger made an analytical analogy between the ecology and geology.

778. 慢跑者在生态学和地质学之间进行了分析类比。

779. 盟友增强了适用的合金用具的可靠性。

780. The gigantic panther in pants passed the transition period of heart transplant.

780. 穿裤子的巨大黑豹度过了心脏移植的过度期。

781. With a clatter, the flatterer shattered the chattering wattmeter in the chaos.

781. 当啷一声,马屁精在混乱中打碎了格格作响的瓦特表。

782. “Homely food is wholesome,” the comedist said on the dome.

782. “家常食品有益于健康,”喜剧作家在拱顶上说。

783. 敏锐的认购者找到处方原稿。

784. Time is finite and infinite. I defy the indefinite definition.

784. 时间既是有限的又是无限的。我公然对抗这个模糊的定义。

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